Distinguished Women’s Movement

I convened a celebration of distinguished, powerful changemakers who paved the way for women and girls to fully realise their dreams in Kenya – the Kenya Women’s Movement, to celebrate the remarkable and distinguished journeys towards leadership and equitable representation in social, economic, and political spheres. The distinguished women leaders of Kenya have been at the forefront of championing the social transformation we have witnessed over the last three decades, leading to significant changes in the status of women in Kenya.
They have led the fight for gender equality, recognition, the expansion of political space, and the inclusion of women in all spheres of life. They have also been champions in eradicating harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation, child marriages, unequal distribution of matrimonial property, women’s right to inheritance, education, quality healthcare and other socio-economic and cultural rights that have made the lives of women better and more dignified.
Through their courage and lifelong commitment to gender equality, they have championed a social revolution that birthed the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Today, we celebrate their dedication to the cause of women in leadership and governance. We look back and celebrate the fact that we have witnessed these advances in our lifetime.
We could not have known the huge impact their efforts would make at the time of advocacy and during the fight for the emancipation of women. It is therefore an opportune moment to reflect on the profound impact you have made on our country. They had the courage to confront exclusion, and the nation is truly grateful for their contributions. The younger generation, your daughters, and granddaughters are standing on the shoulders of giants, enjoying the fruits of these struggles and sacrifices.